Thursday, October 17, 2013

Surrounded With The Truth

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
                John 4:23

Do you struggle with self-doubt, insecurity and feelings of worthlessness? I do. I've blogged about this topic before, but it's worth revisiting because I think it's a very common problem, especially among women. And it's something I have to deal with every day of my life.

It's so easy to pin our value as a person on what we accomplish, how we dress or who our friends are. But as I've been reading and studying A Confident Heart by Renee Swope, I've unearthed some of the hard truths about my insecurities and doubts.

I've discovered that one of my earliest doubts was whether or not I was going to be safe. I've learned that my insecurities keep me from being myself and having fun. I don't know what it's like not to worry if I'm good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, etc. And that I'm scared. Scared of being radically different.

I'm sure some of your own doubts and insecurities are popping up in your mind now. They may be to a lesser degree than mine are, but none the less, they hinder you in some way. And if you're like me, you may feel overwhelmed just thinking about what you feel hinders you.

But stay with me!

We don't have to stay in this place. We don't have to sentence ourselves to living never feeling like we're enough. Because above everything we doubt and dislike about ourselves, and what we think others doubt and dislike about us, is the truth.

The truth is not what we think, what others think, but what God thinks. God tells me I'm a masterpiece (Isa 62:3). He tells me I'm never alone (Deut. 31:6). He tells me I'm precious (Isa 43:4).

But do I believe Him? Do I live like I believe Him? Honestly, no. I know I believe Him a bit more than I did last year at this time, but I still have a long way to go. Each day is a battlefield in my mind, so I've chosen to surround myself with truth.

How? I'm taking it one step at a time. This week, when I encountered a truth that I felt God wanted me to believe about myself, I wrote it on a heart sticky note and placed it around my bathroom mirror.

How will you apply God's truth to your life and take steps toward believing who you really are?


  1. Wow how you described me. I have doubted myself for so long and have to remind myself that God loves me for me, that He wants to use me and I don't have to worry what others think. Thanks for sharing and touching my heart with your honesty. Blessings my friend as we continue to journey together to a more Confident Heart.
    Marilyn V (OBS Group Leader)

  2. Excellent post Erin and I can so relate. Truth is what will set us step at a time, one day at a time. What an amazing God and thank you for sharing your heart and your thoughts. <3

  3. Awesome post, Erin! Love seeing how you process these deep truths! "Because above everything we doubt and dislike about ourselves, and what we think others doubt and dislike about us, is the truth." ~Steph (OBS Teaching Team)

  4. I can relate to many of your doubts Erin and I LOVE your heart sticky note idea. I'm going to have to go get some :) So glad to be on this journey with you heading towards replacing those doubts with a confident heart!

  5. Great insights - so glad to be on your team for ACH! Like Katrina I will have to do the sticky note heart thing :)

  6. Hey Erin! I am just stopping by from the P31 blog hop! I really liked your sticky note idea! I struggle with keeping positive things at the fore front of my mind when going through tough times! I think something like that would really help!!! Loved it! I would love to have you stop by my blog sometime! :) Hope to hear from you soon!

  7. You are a masterpiece, you are never alone, you are precious. Don't ever forget that. Love the sticky note idea. I write things on my mirror with dry erase markers for encouragement, a lot like you notes. Remember He loves you unconditionally and is always standing with HIS arms wide open. He is our #perfectlove.

  8. Erin,
    I really enjoyed your post! It isn't what we think but what we know!
    Wendy (OBS BlogTeam)

  9. I really like the positive idea of writing out truths on sticky notes. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Erin, What you say is very encouraging and uplifting. I love was uplifted by The truth is not what we think, what others think, but what God thinks. God tells me I'm a masterpiece (Isa 62:3). He tells me I'm never alone (Deut. 31:6). He tells me I'm precious (Isa 43:4). If we don't go back to God's word it is very easy to get lost in who you are in Christ.

    I love your bathroom sticky not idea. What a great reminder of God's promise and Who he sees us in him.
    How will you apply God's truth to your life and take steps toward believing who you really are? God spoke to me and said," in every situation you are in, find a Bible verse that fits your situation . its helpful to find a verse that relates so you can refocus from your situation back to God' word and be filled with God's word, joy and Who are loving father see you in him.

  11. Wow, you just said what I've been feeling. I feel God telling me to love and to forgive but I keep applying those to others because I have such a hard time applying those truths for myself. But no where does it say that it only applies to others. So thanks for being so vulnerable and honest with your own assessments :) You're sticky note idea is awesome!! Blessings to you and your family sister :)
