Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Valley of Dirty Laundry and Sticky Fingers

But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The Lord who delievered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.
               1 Samuel 17:34-37

At least once a year I get all fired up to get my cleaning schedule organized. I search Pinterest for all those handy schedules that someone else has prepared to tell me what to clean on which day of the week. One year I even purchased an app for my phone that reminded me of my daily checklist. I thought it was fabulous...for about a week. 

Needless to say, my life as a wife and mom of three little ones gives me a never ending list of things to do. School lunches, loading and unloading the dishwasher, and the never ending piles of dirty laundry fill my days. Not to mention the fact that as soon as I complete a task, like laundry and dishes, it has to be done again.  I'm not going to lie, there are days where my life seems to be going in circles and I'm left wondering why I even bother to scrub the floors or pick up the toys. Days that just looking at my kitchen table leave me exhausted.

Those are days when I turn to the verses found above in 1 Samuel. I read about how David, although a young man and annointed king of Israel, was still tending the sheep in his father's flock. Not evenhis own flock, but his father's. But the verses above also lead up to the time when he was stepping out in faith to challenge Goliath. While everyone else, including the king, was afraid of the Philistine giant, David boldly declared that he would fight the giant because he knew the God of Israel would win the battle for him. Why? Because he has spent all that time tending his father's sheep getting to know The Lord and witnessing God's provision and protection in facing the day to day tasks of tending those sheep.

As I tend my own little sheep and all their messes, I remember that this is a huge mission field that God has placed me in each day. He has given me simple tasks that bless the members of my family. And even if I never have a book published or speak to change lives, being faithful in raising my children to follow The Lord is enough.

Is there something small that The Lord is calling you to be faithful in today?


  1. Awww!! I love your post and that you are perfectly happy right where God has you!! We just never know where those little steps of obedience are going to take us or the ones God lets us do life with!! Thanks for sharing and so glad to be on this journey with you!! Blessings to you and your family.

    Trish (P31 Ministries OBS Team)

  2. As usual, I love what you write about! I remember those days well--the seeming futility of even grabbing a paper towel to wipe up a spill on the counter. (And the weird coincidence by which the only time big messy spill ever occurred in the kitchen was right after I had mopped it. . .)
    It's still the best job I've ever had, and I wouldn't trade those days of learning my kids inside-out for anything. God Bless you as you work in the greatest mission field in the whole wide world--you are called there because He has great work for you to do!
    Sandi Brewer, Proverbs 31 OBS Ministry Volunteer

  3. Erin, I frequently find myself feeling EXACTLY the same way. Sometimes the "to-do" list seems like an impossible hurdle. I thank God for his word, providing refreshing and focus in our seemingly cyclical paths! I'm so thankful for study/quiet time and posts like this, which remind me of the incredible opportunities that are afforded to each of us to listen to his call and minister to others on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Amen sister! Laundry and dishes seem like never-ending punishment some days, but the blessing of being able to serve my four children and my husband and be a part of bringing them to God is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh, Amen mama! That our God leaves us in in the "field" so that we can be refined for future use, what a gift! I pray he renews you with strength and that you are able to attack those dirty dishes like a bear, my friend. Your message, here, encouraged this mama's heart greatly!
