Wednesday, December 5, 2012

At Once.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed me.
        Matthew 4: 19-20

I have been reminded over and over lately of what faith in action looks like.

On Sunday, the sermon was about Gabriel appearing to Mary and revealing God's plan that directly involved her (Luke 2:26-38).  I came away in awe of this humble teenage girl who willingly said "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered.  "May is be to me as you have said."  She knew the consequences here on earth of what this would mean for her, but stepped out in faith to accept her role in the great plan of God to save the world.  A friend of mine wrote about Mary in her blog last week and gave me an even deeper look into who this young girl, favored by God was.

The verses above where Jesus called Simon Peter and his brother Andrew to follow Him amaze me as well.  Jesus was probably not a stranger to these men.  They would have possibly started to hear about His preaching in the area, but who knows if they had actually heard Him speak. Yet without hesitation, they dropped, literally, what they were doing and followed Him when He called.

So why, when God calls or whispers or nudged me, do I hesitate? Why do I feel I have to get everything in order and make a smooth transition into what He wants me to do? Why do I worry about what the consequences for me will be at the hands, or mouths, of others? What makes these Biblical characters so different than me?  Yes, they were encountering an angel and the Son of God, but would that make a difference if an angel appeared to me and revealed what God was calling me to do?

Probably not, and here's why.

I'm a self-proclaimed "realist", which we all know translates to pessimist.  I am the type to over pack for a trip, near or far, just in case the worst happens.  I tend to get hung up on rules and by-the-book way of doing things.  I have what I call "controlled fun" and like "approved surprises".  I don't like giving up control, and yes, that means even to God.  Maybe all this translates to why I hesitate when putting my faith into action.  My head knows that God is fully and control, but to follow Him where I don't know the outcome scares me.

So now that I've aired all my little control issues that are keeping me from "at once" following God's call on my life, what are your nets you need to cast aside? Is it fear of the unknown? Afraid of people's response? Fear of rejection? I'm challenging myself, and you, to take one thing that has been held back from God and just letting go and trusting Him.


  1. Erin, such honest hang ups you have shared with us. Maybe you can try to just focus on one of those issues at a time. And over time, maybe you will feel God's hand under you as you take steps forward in faith. I am so proud of you and your aspirations of writing for God in faith! I am honored to call you my friend!

  2. I so enjoyed your post...thanks so much for sharing. I've just recently (the last couple of years)been able to admit some of my hang-ups and insecurities. I'm still having a hard time letting go of somethings...out of fear and some deeply rooted insecurities. Reading this just reminds me that we all have hang ups and 'issues'...when we can admit them, we're in a much better place. Btw...I'm a fellow coffee lover!
    God Bless

    1. Knowing that you're not the only one who struggles is such a freeing thought. And I firmly believe that when we openly acknowledge our struggles and insecurities, some of the power they have of us is taken away. Thanks for your comment :)

  3. Erin I'm looking for some new nets to lay down and some new plows to burn. You know I've gotten rid of a bunch of those insecurities this year. I retired - that was a plow of stress in a job I loved but so downsized and so many meetings and metrics we could not do the job. Sooo I started these studies and later I was asked to be a leader and I thought oh no, not me - but I prayed and I dropped that net and I love it. Later I decided I wanted to be a light not only to ladies but to children or God decided. I went off to my first day to sub and they said you are with the special needs kids today and I said oh no, not me internally to myself - but I did it - I CAN - I threw down that net and now I loves those kids with a passion. So my advise to all throw down the nets and go love on people. I have always taught children in church with a longing to be with women but was afraid I could not teach - but I can lead and I can love on people who are hurting because He lives and He is working thru me and my obedience. Thanks for this post. Debbie W. (OBS Leader)

    1. Thanks for sharing and your words of encouragement :)
